What is worth noting with Book Dash is the selection available of books for children featuring people of color. A majority of the 50 or so books available feature either females or people of color. Because there are fewer books, it is much easier to find the perfect book your little one has been looking forward to reading. Plus, it is FREE! There are other, more advanced apps out there targeting this demographic but the price point is perfect. And, when you're done with all the books available, pitch the app to the last pages of your screen. No having to cancel subscriptions or worrying about credit card information.
On the technical side, Book Dash is a boon. You have to download each book, but they are small files, and only download on the app. No having to go into your downloads on your phone. Once you are done with a book, slide into the main menu and delete. The app itself does not take up much on the front end (at 20.64 mb it's half the size of your Facebook app, to put things in perspective) and can download in about a minute. We downloaded it here at the South Boston Library in about 30 seconds.
Try out Book Dash and let us know what you think. We welcome your opinions and suggestions. As always, if you have a book related product you would us to feature, let us know.
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